To do or not to do

Often leaders have more influence over what does not get done than what does. From creating the boundaries that keep the team focused on the core objectives, to deciding where best to focus resources, the leader needs to help the team focus on the areas that will have the biggest impact on the goal and higher purpose.

In this podcast, Paul, Rob and Ricky explore how leaders manage the Scope, ensuring that the resources are directed towards the purpose, even if this means making difficult choices to leave some things undone.

This podcast is part of a series about the role of leaders, exploring the nuts and bolts of what leaders need to do. It is based on a model (we created) to help aspiring leaders work out what it means to be a leader.

You can find the model, and details of all the areas at

Why should leaders build a tribe?

Part of a leader’s role is to share the purpose or vision with others – to turn them into followers who can help achieve the vision.  This is much easier to do when your leadership goal is to try and change the world, but what if you just want to be the best at whatever it is you do – why, and how, do these leaders build their tribe?

Rob, Ricky and Paul explore the idea of building a tribe; a group of followers who range from active participants to supporters engaged in their own projects, supporting you from the sidelines.

This podcast is part of a series about the role of leaders, exploring the nuts and bolts of what leaders need to do.  It is based on a model (we created) to help aspiring leaders work out what it means to be a leader. 

You can find the model, and details of all the areas at

Photo by Mohammad Metri on