How do I make the best of change situations?

Why is it that some people thrive when change happens, and others seem to do so badly?  Change at work is almost the only constant left, yet many of us are really bad at handling it; missing the opportunities that change often presents.  

In this podcast, Richard and Ricky explore what we can learn from the people who have handled change well.  What can all learn from their behaviours to ensure that the next time we face change at work, we can make the most of the situation? 

How do I keep it together when change affects me unexpectedly?

Dealing with unexpected change, especially when working with or in large organisations, has become a core skill every employee must master. Yet, many people find themselves unprepared for change when it happens and can find themselves struggling to cope.

In this podcast, Paul and Rich explore why some people are good at dealing with change and others struggle. What makes some people resilient and how can the rest of us use the techniques for ourselves?