Why do people underperform in Sales (or other roles)? Part 3 – Environment

People underperform in sales (and other roles) for several reasons, in this podcast we explore the environment we create.   

Sales can be easier than other roles to spot when people underperform given the metrics available but identifying the factors behind underperformance is not so easy.   

What do we mean by environment?  It may sound obvious; in our experience, it’s not, which is why Mark Davies and Ricky Muddimer explore the topic in more detail and what we mean by creating an environment for your people to perform. 

Why do people underperform in Sales (and other roles)? Part 2 – Skills

People underperform in sales (and other roles) for several reasons, in this podcast we will explore the skills aspect of the role.   

Sales can be easier than other roles to spot when people underperform given the metrics available but identifying the factors behind underperformance is not so easy.   

What do we mean by skills?  It may sound obvious; in our experience, it’s not, which is why Mark Davies and Ricky Muddimer explore the topic in more detail and what we mean by skills and why looking at skills more broadly is so important.

12 Signs Your Culture is Broken

A quick run-through of 12 signs your culture is broken. Culture is the single biggest factor in your success, a broken culture will have a dramatic impact on productivity and results.

Peter Drucker once said “culture eats strategy for breakfast”.

We have broken the 12 signs down into these four bite-size videos; you will find three in each. The first three signs of a broken culture deal with misalignment, self-interest, and focusing on the wrong stuff. Each of the 12 signs is supported with a question or two to help you think about improving your culture.

We’d love to hear which one you’re facing right now and what impact it is having.

For more on our take on organisational culture, check out the Culture Blueprint

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