How People Respond to Workplace Change

Are you a change agent or a manager responsible for helping people through workplace change – I imagine that means all of you!

We all respond differently to change; our attitudes and behaviours will depend on many factors. This video shares four labels to help you identify change behaviours and attitudes.

Check out this video, too; it will give you practical ways that will help you to help your people through change.

How do I handle difficult people without impacting the whole group?

Our series on facilitation continues with one of the most difficult things that anyone running a meeting or facilitating a session has to deal with, people!

There are a number of reasons why someone might not be playing along with the process or playing nice with the group, and as the facilitator, you are the person who is best placed to intervene.  However, this is more than just laying down the law, and a little understanding of what might be causing the issue will help to identify strategies that may make life better for you and for them.

Rob and Richard explain to Paul some of the reasons why people come across as difficult in sessions and share some of their strategies to get the back on board.

Five Mistakes Leaders are Making

Leadership Lessons

Leadership is a lonely place; when you lead for long enough, you are likely to make mistakes; this video shares five common mistakes that leaders make, often without realising their impact.

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