How do I make the best of change situations?

Why is it that some people thrive when change happens, and others seem to do so badly?  Change at work is almost the only constant left, yet many of us are really bad at handling it; missing the opportunities that change often presents.  

In this podcast, Richard and Ricky explore what we can learn from the people who have handled change well.  What can all learn from their behaviours to ensure that the next time we face change at work, we can make the most of the situation? 

You can have both: Development that sticks and 5X ROI

Changing Behaviour through Business Challenges

Developing teams is costly and time-consuming; at Thinking Focus, we know how important your people are to you and how important it is to show that your development dollars and pounds hit the mark.

Our extensive experience in leadership and management development has taught us the four conditions for success pivotal to every group development programme we run. It requires a collaborative approach with clients, which means they have to step up, their participants, and us.

Together, we can create an environment where participants thrive and achieve demonstrable ROI significantly over and above the programme cost, conservatively a minimum of 5X in almost all cases.

Want to see how challenges can work for your organisation?

Why not book a call, and we can discuss how it works and if it’s right for you.

How to Deliver Purposeful Feedback at Work.

Do you want to know how to deliver feedback effectively at work?

In this video, we will share with you five tips on how to deliver effective feedback that will be respectful and helpful to you and your employees.

Learning how to deliver feedback effectively is essential if you want to be a successful manager of people! We’ll show you how to deliver feedback to help your employees grow and learn. We’ll also discuss the importance of feedback in the workplace and give you some helpful tips on how to give feedback effectively!

How do I keep it together when change affects me unexpectedly?

Dealing with unexpected change, especially when working with or in large organisations, has become a core skill every employee must master. Yet, many people find themselves unprepared for change when it happens and can find themselves struggling to cope.

In this podcast, Paul and Rich explore why some people are good at dealing with change and others struggle. What makes some people resilient and how can the rest of us use the techniques for ourselves?

How to make your performance chats easy every time!

Do you know how to make your performance chats easy every time?

All managers love it when they have to give great feedback; that’s easy, providing it’s purposeful that is! However, many managers struggle to hold people accountable during routine feedback or performance meetings. Managers ruminate ahead of giving feedback, catastrophising the team member’s reactions. So they sugarcoat the message, which has no impact and, guess what, leads to no uplift in performance or change in behaviour.

There is a way to make it easier: developing a psychological contract, or as we call it, the expectations chat. This chat aims to establish how the line manager and team members can get the best out of each other, which means giving feedback. So why not agree upfront on how you do that and get the two-way permission agreed upon while there are no issues in the relationship?

In this video, we share a simple four-step process that will make every performance chat easy and straightforward every time.

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