Month: February 2025

  • What if Teams had an OS for Success?

    What if Teams had an OS for Success?

    Teams often waste time reinventing the wheel, working on projects with the same old methods and ending up with the same frustrations. Even when they attempt “new” approaches, they often replicate past mistakes, leading to post-rationalised explanations for success or failure. The real issue is that most teams don’t have a shared, consistent framework to…

  • How can we make decisions when we disagree?

    How can we make decisions when we disagree?

    When different opinions appear in the decision, the easy answer is to push the decision up. Let the boss decide. There are two issues with this strategy.  Firstly, while the boss will probably engage with the process, they will also hate it.  They have enough to do without having to make decisions for warring teams.…

  • How can I ensure my managers have the ‘big’ conversations with their team members.

    How can I ensure my managers have the ‘big’ conversations with their team members.

    Here is another podcast that examines the questions that regularly arise in our work. This time, Richard and Ricky consider why managers might avoid some of the more big (difficult) conversations that are needed between manager and team members. Often, senior managers assume that these conversations are happening, only to find out as issues escalate…

  • Success Mindset Formula Explained

    Success Mindset Formula Explained

    It’s all about Attitude! Did you know that if A-Z = 1-26, and the words “Knowledge,” “Hard Work,” and “Attitude” add up to surprising numbers? This simple yet powerful numerical formula reveals a deep truth about success and mindset. Here’s the Breakdown: Knowledge = 96 → Knowledge is important, but is it enough? Hard Work…