Can you have a goal that is too big? Or too small?
In this episode of the podcast, Ricky and Rob explore how we can get in our own way when we pick goals that are either too easy or too hard.
They discuss how our belief in our ability to achieve the goal dramatically impacts how we approach it, so the best goals always fall within a ‘goldilocks’ zone of not too hard and not too easy; falling in the zone of just-right like the best porridge! Even when we have the right level of belief, that on its own is not enough. Rob and Ricky explore how the goal needs to be relevant to us, congruent with our overall priorities, before we will truly allocate the time needed to be successful.
Ever wondered why you can find so many things to do when you have something important to get done or why social media seems more interesting than the piece of work in front of you?
Most of us procrastinate from time to time, some of us more than others. In this podcast, Paul and Ricky explore why we do and how it is often misunderstood (especially by those that don’t do it as much). Importantly, they explore the different strategies for tackling procrastination when it gets in the way.
If you know someone who might find this or any of our other podcasts useful, can you do us a favour and share this with them? You will be helping them and helping us. Thanks
Do you want to know how to deliver feedback effectively at work?
In this video, we will share with you five tips on how to deliver effective feedback that will be respectful and helpful to you and your employees.
Learning how to deliver feedback effectively is essential if you want to be a successful manager of people! We’ll show you how to deliver feedback to help your employees grow and learn. We’ll also discuss the importance of feedback in the workplace and give you some helpful tips on how to give feedback effectively!
Do you know how to make your performance chats easy every time?
All managers love it when they have to give great feedback; that’s easy, providing it’s purposeful that is! However, many managers struggle to hold people accountable during routine feedback or performance meetings. Managers ruminate ahead of giving feedback, catastrophising the team member’s reactions. So they sugarcoat the message, which has no impact and, guess what, leads to no uplift in performance or change in behaviour.
There is a way to make it easier: developing a psychological contract, or as we call it, the expectations chat. This chat aims to establish how the line manager and team members can get the best out of each other, which means giving feedback. So why not agree upfront on how you do that and get the two-way permission agreed upon while there are no issues in the relationship?
In this video, we share a simple four-step process that will make every performance chat easy and straightforward every time.
In this video, Ricky Muddimer, a member of the Forbes Coaching Council, shares his coaching tips. Whatever your coaching approach, Executive, Business, or Performance coaching, you will recognise that coaching is one of the most valuable and impactful tools in a line manager’s armoury.
Ricky is an executive coach who spends time helping leaders worldwide get out of their own way. This video explores – ‘What is the art of great coaching?’ Discover his top three tips for all coaches. Have a look-see and find out for yourself.
In the last of our short series of podcasts on questions, Rob and Ricky tackle the role of questions in critical thinking. From exploring the advantages or disadvantages of different options to making decisions, asking the right questions allows us to cut through and get the best answers.
Another short podcast in our mini-series on questions, this time Rob and Ricky look at the role of questions in making us think creatively.
Questions have the magical property of making you think, even when you don’t want to, so with small shifts in the structure of the question, you can use questions to make anyone think more creatively.
Ever wondered how to change culture? It’s all about the choices we make in those moments of truth!
In this video, we unpack how one client used a social learning experience blended with gamification, group coaching and psychological safety to create a safe learning space. We brought together a multi-level audience to discuss how they would handle different situations. It was only when team members felt secure that they said what they really felt, exposing knowledge gaps, lack of confidence and doubts about what to do when under pressure.
Our favourite quote came from a junior team member who, in a multi-level audience of 40 people, asked “I know we all have said we’d do the right thing, but can someone tell me what that looks like?” The virtual room fell silent. This one example led to one of the most productive discussions we had.
By learning from your successes and failures, you can create a culture that is conducive to success. Learn how social learning can help you transform your organisation’s culture.
We work with organisations worldwide; in this video, we share how Lowell Financial Group used ‘What Would You Do?’, to embed the FCA Conduct Rules, helping 100% of participants feel confident to apply the rules in their job. What Would You Do? is the perfect learning solution for learning professionals looking to spice up their short-burst learning interventions.
We created What Would You Do? in response to a client looking for something different, engaging, high impact and can be run internally at a moment’s notice. We build a social learning experience that brings cross-functional groups together online or face-to-face to discuss everyday dilemmas faced in the workplace. When team members are uncertain or lack confidence, the last thing you need is them guessing or unintentionally placing your business and/or people at risk.
Continuing our short series on the power of questions, in this podcast, Rob and Ricky explore the role of questions in creating clarity.
Questions are one of the easiest ways of engaging our minds. In fact, they are sneaky, as it is almost impossible not to think about a question when asked, even if you don’t want to answer it. Questions can help us sort through the noise to discover exactly what we want, when we want it, and how we will know when we get there.
As part of a mini-series on the power of questions, Ricky and Rob look at the role of questions, why they are an important tool for leaders and managers and discuss why they work.
From the way we ask questions, to using questions to helping others think, this podcast asks questions about questions.