Motivation at work – the basic needs for a more productive team

To get a more productive team, you need an understanding of motivation at work.

This video explores the basic needs of a more productive team and how more effective motivation can help you achieve it with your team.

For more on motivation, watch this video:

How to help people through workplace change in three easy steps.

Change in the workplace can be traumatic; most of us are pre-programmed to dislike change, but in the workplace, somehow, the stakes are even higher.

Change in the workplace needs managing, and having access to powerful change tools is a great start when helping people navigate change in the workplace.

In this video, Rob walks you through three simple steps to help anyone, including themselves, navigate change in the workplace.

Change at work, how to deal with it, navigating workplace change, accepting change at work,k adapting to workplace change, modern workplace change

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Are you a change agent or a manager responsible for helping people through workplace change – I imagine that means all of you!

We all respond differently to change; our attitudes and behaviours will depend on many factors. This video shares four labels to help you identify change behaviours and attitudes.

Check out this video, too; it will give you practical ways that will help you to help your people through change.

How to Handle Politics in the Workplace

Every organisation suffers from politics in the workplace; it’s how things get done; influencing, cajoling and getting stuff done means we need to know how to handle politics in the workplace.

In this video, we share a useful, practical model from Baddeley and James; their work uses animals to describe political behaviours. The Fox, the Owl, the Sheep and the Donkey. You will learn how to spot politics in the workplace, and working with political animals is essential if you are to get things done and navigate your way through everyday business life.

Check out our most downloaded article:

How to Show Up As Your Best Self

In this video, we discuss how to show up as your best self in seven ways. So, whether you’re working on your own personal growth or striving to be a better co-worker, colleague, or manager, this video will provide you with some helpful tips.

With this video, you can work on becoming the best version of yourself! I think you’ll find that this is a journey that’s well worth taking. Thanks for watching!

12 Signs Your Culture is Broken

A quick run-through of 12 signs your culture is broken. Culture is the single biggest factor in your success, a broken culture will have a dramatic impact on productivity and results.

Peter Drucker once said “culture eats strategy for breakfast”.

We have broken the 12 signs down into these four bite-size videos; you will find three in each. The first three signs of a broken culture deal with misalignment, self-interest, and focusing on the wrong stuff. Each of the 12 signs is supported with a question or two to help you think about improving your culture.

We’d love to hear which one you’re facing right now and what impact it is having.

For more on our take on organisational culture, check out the Culture Blueprint

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If you prefer to listen, here are a couple of podcasts:

Do you know how much Change is costing your business?

The cost of business change is huge!

An HBR article suggests that 70% of change fails to achieve its intended outcomes.

Of course, change is a cost; the question is – when we embark on change, do we help our people to come on the journey, or do we add to the cost by creating disengagement – a sense of unfairness, lack of control, build-up of resistance, these all add up to a hidden cost of change, that will never appear on your balance sheet. You are losing valuable time that will escalate if not managed correctly. What’s your cost of change, and more importantly, what’s your cost of doing nothing?

How much is your current or most recent change costing you?

Add your numbers to the calculator to determine how much change has cost you so far and how much it will cost if it goes unresolved:

Cost of Change Calculator

Cost of Change Calculator

This is not a scientific calculation, just a quick indicator. It may not be the total you arrive at, but it won’t be zero either; your instinct and judgment will tell you where you believe it to be on the scale.

Want to talk about how to reduce your cost of change?

When you’ve worked out the cost of change for your business, call us, and we’ll help you cut the cost whilst engaging your people as you go. Download the Change Blueprint for our take on organisational change and how you take people on the journey.

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Why is a growth mindset more valuable than a fixed mindset?

A fixed mindset is a big limiter on your personal growth, whereas a growth mindset changes your perspective to one of learning and growth. A growth mindset will unlock your potential, enabling you to become more effective and productive.

In this video, you will learn about mindset, discover the differences between fixed and growth mindsets through examples, and share how to develop a growth mindset to become more effective and productive.

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How to think Creatively

Creative thinking techniques and tools for success

Tune in if you want creative thinking techniques and tools for success.

If you want to boost your creative thinking to help you solve problems and achieve smart goals, then we probably have the simplest and most effective creative thinking tool!

Creative thinking is an essential skill, whether you are working on a project, pursuing a personal smart goal, or solving a problem. It is about thinking differently and getting outside the box.

The secret to this comes with three key components

  1. Context, a focus or a problem statement. Of course, it could be all three.
  2. Purpose – reason to want to do something about it.
  3. Imagination comes from asking the right questions, and for this, you need context and purpose.

O ideas is one of our most powerful mental models, tools, or techniques, depending on how you want to describe it.

O ideas provide a cognitive shortcut. We’ve taken some of the most commonly asked questions when problem-solving, goal-setting or tackling a project.

The principles are consistent. So to save time and make people more effective and productive, we created o ideas to help.

Creativity is about asking the right questions and freeing your mind to allow it to find solutions, but creative thinking is not about judgment, qualifying and committing. Not yet, at least.

First, open your mind, explore the superhighway of your imagination, and wander through the after of the possible.

We have many critical thinking tools (check the link) to use after, but only after you’ve wandered into the creative sphere ( yes, I made that up), but it is a real place we all have tucked away in our brains.

Downloadable Templates

What to do When SMART Goals Don’t Work

Try the Benchmark Method

New Year’s resolutions will be on the minds of lots of people; if that’s the case, if you’re serious, you need to get goal setting.

A lot of the time, New Year’s resolutions focus on feelings and confidence, and SMART goals don’t work for something subjective, not until now, that is. SMART goals are great for goal setting, when you know how to set goals using SMART they’re awesome, but what do you do when the subject of your goal is a feeling, a perception or a judgement, something subjective, well we have the perfect solution with benchmark goal setting.

You can take something that is hard to measure and turn it into something that will work with a SMART goal. SMART goals are essential to the Thinking Focus Toolkit for Team Leaders and Managers.

Thinking Focus Toolkit

SMART goals; are you doing them right?

Need to define Smart goals? – before you do, are you doing them right? if you want to achieve what you want that is!

Smart goal-setting works, which is probably why no one has managed to reinvent them. Smart goals are the staple diet for team leaders, managers and leaders. Without smart goals, you have no idea what you’re working on, what your people are working on, or what your organisation is working on. Your future is at risk and left to chance.

In this video, Graham walks you through the smart goals process and gives a practical example. We also shared why we think most are getting it wrong, at least the order that is.

Thinking Focus Toolkit