How Do I Say No (To Senior People)?

Paul and Graham tackle saying no in this latest episode of the podcast where we look at the questions that are frequently raised in coaching sessions.  Saying no, especially to the boss, is one of the things most of us find hard to do.

From the desire to say yes to the mindset that makes it okay to say no when that is the right thing to do, this episode explores all the aspects of saying no and offers some simple strategies to help you navigate these difficult conversations without ever having to actually say no.

How do I deal with a bad boss?

There is an old saying in business psychology: People rarely leave a company; they normally leave a manager!  Not all bosses are good bosses, yet at the same time, not all bosses people think are bad are really bad bosses.

Sometimes, what appears as a difficult boss is actually a different style that evokes a reaction from some of the people working for them. Sometimes, though, it is the manager’s behaviour that makes it difficult for those working for them.

In this podcast, Ricky and Paul explore the different categories, from bosses who are just different to toxic bosses who may not provide the support their people deserve.

How can I be successful and have balance in my life?

Continuing our journey into the questions that often come up in coaching sessions, in this podcast Richard and Paul explore how success in demanding jobs and work-life balance often can seem incompatible.
Creating balance is a popular topic, with no end of articles and influencers talking about the tricks to create balance, or the sacrifices required to be successful. However, the topic is more nuanced that commonly presented, as balance is a very personal thing, and what might look like as balance for one person, would feel like purgatory for another.

It is possible to create balance and have a demanding role, but as Richard and Paul discuss, this takes self-awareness, an ability to prioritise different aspects of your life and choices.

How do I become comfortable with uncertainty?

Uncertainty has become a very present factor of modern working life, yet almost all of us crave certainty and spend a lot of our time and effort working very hard to create as much of it as we can.  Only to find that uncertainty often wins out!

In this podcast, part of a mini-series looking at the questions and topics that often come up in coaching sessions, Richard and Paul dive into the world of uncertainty.  They explore some of the ways that we can ensure that we don’t get stuck waiting for certainty, or derailed when the world gets messy. 

Uncertainty can feel disorienting and makes decisions far more complex, yet we can all learn the skills that enable us to lead, work, and succeed in an uncertain world.

What are my values?

Another podcast in our mini series exploring some of the questions that come up in coaching sessions, in this episode of the podcast, Richard and Paul discuss the questions that is asked without ever being asked, what are my values?

Values are at the heart of behaviours, driving both purpose and actions. Yet, we are often oblivious to them and their impact on our decisions and perceptions of the world.  Paul and Richard explore their influence on our lives, how you can find out what your values are, and the ways they change at different stages of our lives.

What’s The Point?

Sometimes (at work) we get a little lost. Maybe our actions are not working, our dreams suddenly appear unattainable, or we become disconnected from the purpose. It may happen slowly over time or can be a sudden upheaval when things around us change.

It can be very disconcerting to feel lost, yet many of us experience it at some point. As coaches, we are frequently asked the question, ‘What’s the point?’.

In this podcast Paul and Ricky explore how people may find themselves lost, and what they can do to reconnect with their purpose, or discover a new purpose that will give them the energy and desire to carry on.

How can I be successful when I don’t have enough time?

Continuing our series of podcasts that explore the most common questions asked in coaching sessions, Rob and Paul explore the very common topic of time in this podcast.  A range of time questions come up, all of which centre around the genuine issue of having more things to do than the time available.

Time management skills are essential to modern working but are only part of the story.  Most of us have jobs where the demands outstrip the time available, and in this episode, Paul and Rob explore the different mindset (and skills) required to ensure that the time you have is used in the best possible way.  

How can I deal with the feedback I am getting?

Let’s face it, none of us really love getting feedback. We know it is important, and helps us grow, It is also hard to hear sometimes and often badly delivered. Sometimes, it feels like it is easier to not be told, even though we know that is not really the right answer!

This podcast is part of a series based on the questions that come up the most in coaching sessions. In this episode, Rob and Ricky explore how feedback can be helpful once you get past the emotive reaction it often creates. They also explore the different types of feedback that you might get and how best to reflect on and take action that will help you grow.

Who am I to lead people?

We are back with new podcasts for 2024, and we are starting the year with some of the questions that we get asked as coaches.   

In this episode, Ricky and Paul explore the question most new leaders ask themselves: What makes me worthy of being a leader? There are several reasons why people pose this question, from self-doubt, to seeing the capability of others (while not seeing our own strengths) or simply not seeing leadership for what it is.

If this is a question you have asked yourself, then this podcast will help you think through all the reasons why you should be a leader, and come to terms with the fact that leaders are rarely experts, and experts are normally too busy exporting to lead.

Why is reflection important in the workplace?

There are moments, often, when we hit milestones that symbolise the end of something (like the end of a year), that we stop and take a moment to look back.  This moments are opportunities to reflect, to learn and to prepare to start again.

Yet, in work, these moments are missed as we jump from project to project, urgent task to urgent task.  Urgency getting in the way of growth, learning and, most importantly, using this wisdom to focus on the things that will have the biggest impact on our goals.

In this podcast, Ricky talks with Paul about the power of these moments, asking why these are so important, yet often undervalued in the workplace.  Of course, they also get into some simple ways that you can make your reflection time more effective and why this does not need to take very much time at all if you do it right.