In this video, Ricky Muddimer, a member of the Forbes Coaching Council, shares his coaching tips. Whatever your coaching approach, Executive, Business, or Performance coaching, you will recognise that coaching is one of the most valuable and impactful tools in a line manager’s armoury.
Ricky is an executive coach who spends time helping leaders worldwide get out of their own way. This video explores – ‘What is the art of great coaching?’ Discover his top three tips for all coaches. Have a look-see and find out for yourself.
Do you know how to achieve your big and complex goals? How to make them easier to work on? If not, then this video is for you.
Firmly in leadership and management development, we highlight practical strategies and tips for making big and complex goals easier to achieve. Setting ambitious goals can be exciting, but it can also be overwhelming and intimidating, especially when you’re not sure where to start.
We share the umbrella goals technique used by client organisations worldwide to think, plan and communicate complex multi-part goals. Then, as with any big goal, we walk you through how to break your big goal into smaller, more manageable steps. Doing so can create a clear roadmap that will make the journey towards your ultimate goal less daunting.
By the end of this video, you’ll have another tool in your toolbox of practical strategies and tips to help you break down big and complex goals into smaller, more manageable steps. In addition, you’ll be equipped with the knowledge and confidence to tackle any goal easily and achieve your desired success.
With a burgeoning set of content on all things goals, tune into our Goals Playlist
Ever wondered how to change culture? It’s all about the choices we make in those moments of truth!
In this video, we unpack how one client used a social learning experience blended with gamification, group coaching and psychological safety to create a safe learning space. We brought together a multi-level audience to discuss how they would handle different situations. It was only when team members felt secure that they said what they really felt, exposing knowledge gaps, lack of confidence and doubts about what to do when under pressure.
Our favourite quote came from a junior team member who, in a multi-level audience of 40 people, asked “I know we all have said we’d do the right thing, but can someone tell me what that looks like?” The virtual room fell silent. This one example led to one of the most productive discussions we had.
By learning from your successes and failures, you can create a culture that is conducive to success. Learn how social learning can help you transform your organisation’s culture.
We work with organisations worldwide; in this video, we share how Lowell Financial Group used ‘What Would You Do?’, to embed the FCA Conduct Rules, helping 100% of participants feel confident to apply the rules in their job. What Would You Do? is the perfect learning solution for learning professionals looking to spice up their short-burst learning interventions.
We created What Would You Do? in response to a client looking for something different, engaging, high impact and can be run internally at a moment’s notice. We build a social learning experience that brings cross-functional groups together online or face-to-face to discuss everyday dilemmas faced in the workplace. When team members are uncertain or lack confidence, the last thing you need is them guessing or unintentionally placing your business and/or people at risk.
Are you a change agent or a manager responsible for helping people through workplace change – I imagine that means all of you!
We all respond differently to change; our attitudes and behaviours will depend on many factors. This video shares four labels to help you identify change behaviours and attitudes.
Check out this video, too; it will give you practical ways that will help you to help your people through change.
Leadership is a lonely place; when you lead for long enough, you are likely to make mistakes; this video shares five common mistakes that leaders make, often without realising their impact.
How good a leader are you?
Test your skills now with our personal leadership assessment and get the results instantly and directly in your inbox.
With a Growth Mindset, you learn from failure and why you fail to hit your goals with the FoooDo Model from Thinking Focus. This video shares four easy steps to turn failure into better results.
For more on FoooDo, our mental model and thinking tools for getting stuff done and achieving your goals, check out this video:
Use these questions to identify why you’re not getting the results you want or expect. Develop a growth mindset and turn failure into better results for you and your team.
Did you get creative and explore the art of the possible?
Ask yourself…
Did I create many ideas that I could choose from, possible things I could do, and ideas of the kind of things I might need.
Did I think about the things that might get in my way and how to overcome them?
Motivation is essential if you want to get the best from your team that is. How to get the best from your team comes from understanding what motivates them and how they like to work.
Do you know what motivates the members of your team?
Have you considered why your people are not stepping up?
This video is a 90-second summary of our first LinkedIn article, which asks why my people are not stepping up.
We explore how your leadership shadow can limit your people more than you ever imagined. The shadow of a leader makes it hard to step up; it feels too hard, so they don’t.
Stepping up is expected of every leader, and we hope our people follow suit, but your shadow and your behaviour get in the way.
Change in the workplace can be traumatic; most of us are pre-programmed to dislike change, but in the workplace, somehow, the stakes are even higher.
Change in the workplace needs managing, and having access to powerful change tools is a great start when helping people navigate change in the workplace.
In this video, Rob walks you through three simple steps to help anyone, including themselves, navigate change in the workplace.
Change at work, how to deal with it, navigating workplace change, accepting change at work,k adapting to workplace change, modern workplace change
Are you a change agent or a manager responsible for helping people through workplace change – I imagine that means all of you!
We all respond differently to change; our attitudes and behaviours will depend on many factors. This video shares four labels to help you identify change behaviours and attitudes.
Check out this video, too; it will give you practical ways that will help you to help your people through change.