Leading to here with Rachel Hurst

This episode of Leading to Here is a must-listen for everyone looking for inspiration, especially women in business. 

It was an absolute pleasure to spend time with Rachel Hurst, the Chief Operating Officer of Domino Printing Sciences. She’s understated, thoughtful, and nothing short of a trailblazer in her field. A successful woman in a male-dominated world, she has overcome obstacles and challenges to excel as she carved out her career in engineering. 

Rachel has sat on the board of a FTSE 250 company, seen many acquisitions, and was part of a team that found a new parent company in Brother, which went on to acquire Domino to unlock huge market potential while maintaining its core values. 

Rachel’s story is a beacon of inspiration for those seeking personal and professional growth. Her journey is particularly empowering for female leaders, aspiring female engineers, and women in business. Despite her natural introversion and shyness, she’s a leader who removes blockages and creates an environment for people to get things done.

How can I be successful and have balance in my life?

Continuing our journey into the questions that often come up in coaching sessions, in this podcast Richard and Paul explore how success in demanding jobs and work-life balance often can seem incompatible.
Creating balance is a popular topic, with no end of articles and influencers talking about the tricks to create balance, or the sacrifices required to be successful. However, the topic is more nuanced that commonly presented, as balance is a very personal thing, and what might look like as balance for one person, would feel like purgatory for another.

It is possible to create balance and have a demanding role, but as Richard and Paul discuss, this takes self-awareness, an ability to prioritise different aspects of your life and choices.