With an alarming statistic revealing that a staggering 70% of errors in the workplace can be traced back to miscommunication, it’s no wonder that businesses are feeling the pinch. Dive deeper, and you’ll find that poor communication ranks as the number one concern for a majority of businesses, overshadowing even financial concerns or market competition.
But what really happens when communication goes awry? Trust erodes. The very foundation upon which business relationships are built begins to wobble. Employees start second-guessing, leading to serious doubts about the motives, integrity, and capabilities of their employers. The domino effect of this breakdown? A jaw-dropping cost of £50 – £70 Bn in lost productivity annually.
But there’s more. As a result of these communicative missteps, 33% of employees report having low morale, feeling disengaged, and disheartened.
In this episode, Ricky and Rob not only highlight the challenges but also explore solutions and best practices to cultivate an environment of open, transparent, and effective communication.
Are you looking to boost your team’s productivity and cohesion?
Ricky dives into the groundbreaking study by Google that sheds light on what truly sets high-performing teams apart. Whether you’re a manager, team leader, or team member or have a curious mind, this video holds transformative insights for you!
Inside this video, you will discover:
Google’s extensive research spanned over two years.
Powerful takeaways from 200+ interviews & analysis of 250 attributes across 180+ active Google teams.
The surprising truth about what really matters in teamwork.
A comprehensive breakdown of Google’s five key dynamics for high-performing teams:
Impact of Work
Meaning of Work
Structure and clarity
Psychological Safety
Exclusive Resource: Want to implement psychological safety in your team? Don’t miss the exclusive worksheet that will guide you through the process! Click here for the worksheet
Join Ricky on this enlightening journey and equip yourself with the tools and knowledge to craft a team that doesn’t just work but excels!
Did you know that only about a third of companies believe they communicate effectively?
Forbes (March 2023)
In this episode, Rob and Ricky dive into the complex realm of communication, a skill so integral yet so frequently misinterpreted.
They explore why most companies fail to communicate effectively and share some of the stumbling blocks hindering effective communication. Consider this, when one individual errs, does everyone else receive a blanket message? We know this is not the best approach, so why does this keep happening?
Ricky and Rob also delve into the human side of miscommunication. Our emotions, ever a double-edged sword, often weave themselves seamlessly into our dialogues, clouding judgment and disrupting clear exchanges. Then there are assumptions – we all make them, but at what cost? Plus, we discuss the dangerous ‘dance of ambiguity’, where leaving things open to interpretation can spell disaster.
This second instalment of a three-part series focuses on the “People” category, highlighting three key leadership elements: engagement, feelings, and talent.
Engagement: Leaders must connect team members to the organisation’s purpose, fostering personal commitment and motivation. Consistently reinforcing the “why” helps maintain alignment and enthusiasm.
Feelings: Creating a psychologically safe environment is crucial for innovation and growth. Leaders should promote a culture where failure is seen as an opportunity to learn, encouraging resilience and risk-taking while maintaining accountability.
Talent: Attracting and developing the right talent is not just a goal; it’s a necessity. Leaders must ensure their teams are diverse in thought, aligned with the organisation’s purpose, and capable of driving success. Tough decisions may be necessary to maintain a high-performance culture, but the benefits of a diverse and capable team are worth it.
The article also provides critical questions for leaders to assess and enhance their approach to engaging, supporting, and developing their teams. The series will conclude with a focus on mastering productivity, emphasising effective plan execution.
In this second part of my three-part miniseries, we’ll explore the category of people, which follows hot on the heels of purpose, which we explored in part one.
The people category is comprised of three elements: engagement, feelings and talent. Your role as a leader is to create a psychologically safe space where people can thrive and deliver. People perform at their best when connected to their work and when they understand the impact it will have. They also need the space and opportunity to learn, grow and develop, knowing their boss has their back.
Let’s take a closer look at the three elements of the people category.
Skilled leaders bridge the gap between individuals and the higher purpose. They help team members understand the significance of the goal on a personal level, fostering a sense of purpose and passion within each person.
I work with many leaders on their purpose. They put time and effort into crafting an inspiring, compelling, and engaging message. Enthused by their work, they share it and get their troops fired up, only to let it die on the vine.
The purpose (the “why”) is a leader’s most potent engagement tool; it helps you find the right people for the journey. Purpose is a drum that you need to bang repeatedly, constantly reminding people why we all do what we do.
This is far from the soft side of leadership. Leaders are custodians of organisational culture, responsible for cultivating an environment where people can flourish, learn and push boundaries. To do this, you must provide a psychologically safe space where individuals can confidently pursue growth and innovation, knowing their boss has their back.
I have heard leaders openly say, “It’s okay to fail,” only to blow up when things go wrong. In her book Dare to Lead, Brené Brown likens this to sticking someone on a plane and expecting them to skydive without first teaching them how to land.
As a leader, you must build a win-or-learn culture, harnessing failure as an opportunity to grow. This does not mean ignoring conduct and capability issues; people still need managing. But encouraging them to take a chance means people will innovate and do the right thing when it matters most.
Leaders are blessed (or cursed) with the relentless pursuit of finding and retaining the right people aligned with the higher purpose. Make sure you surround yourself with talented individuals connected to the purpose, and nurture and develop your team members, ensuring that their skills match the organisation’s demands. You must also make tough decisions to dismiss those who are not fully committed to the journey.
Three common pieces of advice for leaders are to surround yourself with different thinkers, clearly define high performance and intervene when people aren’t cutting it.
I have coached several leaders who have built a team of people like themselves. We like people who see the world as we do. But how do you know what your people really think? Find people who see the world differently from you; encourage, if not demand, that they challenge your perspective. People whose careers are in their boss’s hands will often play it safe when authority bias is at play.
I’ve seen leaders so focused on a top performer that they overlook their poor behaviours while picking up on other team members’ behaviours. This inconsistency creates a two-tier system that leads to a downward trend in overall performance, and people leave.
In one example, I worked with a leader who held their top performer accountable, only for them to exit. They were terrified their numbers would decline. However, the team responded positively; the overall team performance went up over time as people recognised that how we do the work is as important as the results. The team is now aligned and committed to the cause; of course, they still have challenges to overcome, but they work together.
Sadly, I have had to dismiss team members several times, but only after allowing them time to improve with coaching and support. In one case, it became apparent that their heart wasn’t in it, so it needed addressing.
I had a challenging conversation with them, after which they thanked me. They were desperately unhappy at work. My primary learning was to intervene early; we both could have avoided the pain of a drawn-out process.
This next section lays out a set of questions to help you stress-test the people category. It will help you define, check and balance so you can get the right people on the team, develop capability and engage people to get the best out of them. It will also help you understand how teams interact and how to encourage and manage healthy conflict while creating an environment where people want and feel able to give their best.
Questions to Ask
If you want to create an environment for people to flourish and a team people want to join, ask these questions.
How might we connect people to the purpose?
How might we motivate people and keep them going?
What support structures might we need?
How might we help people learn and grow?
How might we measure engagement?
How might we remove the fear of conflict?
How might we build resilience in our people?
How might we promote change as an opportunity?
What are we doing to create a psychologically safe environment?
How might we encourage meaning and purpose?
How might we attract the best people to work with us?
What do we need in our talent base—now and in the future?
What could we do to improve capability and develop capacity?
How might we create a learning culture in our teams?
How do we ensure that we nurture and retain talent—and move people on (or out)?
How do we identify talent?
Look out for the final part of this three-part miniseries where I’ll unpack the third area leaders must master for success: productivity.
Great leaders recognise that creating the right environment for their people to flourish with a compelling purpose is all well and good, but they still need to execute the plan and get it done.
This article first appeared on Forbes.com on 1st September 2023
Ricky has been a regular contributor to the Forbes Councils since 2023, where he shares his perspectives on all things leadership, change, culture and productivity, all with Thinking Focus’ unique perspective on metacognition, or as we prefer to say, thinking about thinking.
Leadership remains a critical focus for organisations, with over $60 billion spent annually on leadership development worldwide. Despite extensive training, many leaders struggle to define their role clearly. In this first article of a three-part series, the author explores the concept of purpose as a foundational element of effective leadership, breaking it down into three key areas: higher purpose, perceptions, and scope.
Higher Purpose: Leaders must articulate a compelling and clear purpose that resonates across all levels of the organisation. A well-defined purpose guides decision-making and aligns teams, ensuring everyone is motivated and committed to achieving common goals.
Perceptions: Leaders play a crucial role as the organisation’s PR representatives, shaping both internal and external perceptions. By effectively communicating the purpose and linking each team member’s role to the broader mission, leaders foster a sense of ownership and alignment.
Scope: Striking a balance between ambition and resources is paramount. Leaders must identify the ‘Goldilocks zone’—setting challenges that are demanding yet attainable. This necessitates making strategic decisions about what to pursue and what to relinquish, ensuring that teams are not stretched too thin and that resources are utilised efficiently.
The article also equips leaders with practical questions to evaluate and refine their approach to purpose, perceptions, and scope. These insights are designed to empower leaders in driving their organisations forward while maintaining clarity of direction and focus. The next article in the series will delve into the second critical category: people.
Leadership is an ever-evolving concept that remains a subject of profound interest and exploration for professionals worldwide. Global organisations spend more than $60 billion every year on leadership development, honing the skills of seasoned and aspiring leaders.
Despite all this learning, a simple question baffles even the most seasoned leaders: “What exactly do leaders do?” You will find widespread discussion on leadership styles and theories, but there’s a distinct lack of focus on what leaders actually do.
I co-founded my company in 2016, a behavioural change business helping corporate teams “get out of their own way.” This talented team has multi-sector corporate world leadership experience gained in finance, utilities, hospitality, health care and telecoms, to name a few.
Over the years, we have encountered many frustrated leaders in our interactions, observations and countless coaching sessions in over 150 companies. From this emerged nine key areas related to what leaders should be doing. All nine, while expected, are surprisingly hard to find all in one place.
These nine areas fall under three core categories: purpose, people, and productivity. In a three-part miniseries, I will unpack each category and uncover the nine critical areas. I will share insights and examples and provide a comprehensive checklist guiding leaders toward effective and impactful leadership practices. In this first article, let’s start with the purpose category and look at its three key areas.
Purpose: Clarifying Direction And Focus
The purpose category boils down to three core elements: higher purpose, perceptions, and scope. Successful leaders understand the significance of shaping and articulating a higher purpose, managing perceptions inside and outside the organisation, and balancing their resources to achieve a demanding agenda.
Higher Purpose
I am working with the senior team of a top motorway services operator in the U.K., a highly successful organisation embarking on its next growth phase. They recognised that their 6,500-strong team needed to step up to do this. I challenged them to articulate their purpose as if I were a new starter on the front line of their business.
It was challenging; while they could intellectualise it, they couldn’t simplify it. The purpose should be compelling and translatable across the organisation to engage and keep teams motivated even when times get tough. The simpler it is, the easier it will be to socialise, share and inspire people to step up and pursue ambitious goals.
This overarching purpose defines future aspirations, informs decision-making, and forms the basis for any proposed changes to the plan. Any changes to strategies and tactics should be tested against the purpose. Does this align with our purpose? Accelerates our plan? And at what cost?
Leaders are the organisation’s PR representatives, building a team of individuals dedicated to achieving a common goal. They help others understand how their work fits the bigger picture, motivating and garnering acceptance to reduce barriers to success.
In my example above with the motorway service operator, the simplified strategy became three core areas that made sense to stakeholders at all levels. Leaders can lift it off the page and talk passionately with every team member. It enables team members to connect their contribution to the higher purpose.
In an effort to help cultivate consistent internal and external perceptions like these, my company runs its leadership program alongside senior team workshops, providing tools and mental models and extending permission to apply them to meaningful sponsored business projects.
Ambition is essential for companies to drive forward, stretching their teams to perform. However, leaders must balance their resources, which is particularly tricky for leaders who continually demand more.
Leaders should look for the Goldilocks zone. If the challenge is not great enough, your people get bored and coast along—until the pace increases, then find it hard to step up. Too much on the agenda, and you will burn out your people or risk achieving nothing; at best, you will have delays or cut corners to meet demanding timelines, quality expectations, and budgets.
It is much better to focus on what you care about; challenging, yes, but achievable. Business strategist Michael Porter says that strategy is choosing what not to do. Leaders often forget that resources are finite, be that skills, people or budget.
I am coaching a project manager of a large U.S.-based med-tech company based in Europe. They report to the U.S.-based project management office (PMO). My coachee’s frustration is “too many projects with too few resources available.” Add to this senior colleagues refusing to talk truth to power. They are not calling out resource shortages or pressure on timelines for fear of repercussions at a more senior level—the impact is overcommitting others to unachievable expectations and setting them up to fail.
Questions to Ask
Leaders must be careful what they ask for and foster a psychologically safe space where people can and will share reality.
These questions can help leaders define, check and balance their higher purpose and perceptions and manage a demanding yet achievable agenda.
Higher Purpose
What are the compelling reasons why we do what we do?
Why this and not something else?
Why is this better than doing nothing?
If all else fails, what would we revert to?
What are we not prepared to compromise?
How do we judge how others see the purpose?
How do we communicate our view of the purpose?
How do we promote congruent attitudes and behaviour?
What are we consistently doing to grow the team?
How do we, as leaders, model for and serve our followers?
What are the most relevant priorities for us?
What’s in scope—and what’s not?
Why this first? Why now and not later?
What are the boundaries of our activity?
What are we prepared to give up?
Look out for part two of this three-part miniseries on areas leaders must master for success. We’ll delve into the second category: people.
Great leaders understand that the success of any organisation lies in creating an environment where people can grow, succeed and contribute to a common purpose.
This article first appeared on Forbes.com on 11th August 2023
Ricky has been a regular contributor to the Forbes Councils since 2023, where he shares his perspectives on all things leadership, change, culture and productivity, all with Thinking Focus’ unique perspective on metacognition, or as we prefer to say, thinking about thinking.
In the complex world of corporate leadership, where strategies and technologies come and go, one element remains constant: the power of a strong organisational culture.
At Thinking Focus, we understand that culture isn’t just an abstract concept—it’s the backbone of every successful organisation. That’s why we’ve developed our Culture Blueprint—a comprehensive, actionable guide designed to help business leaders like you build a thriving culture that drives sustainable growth and engagement.
Talent conversations come in many shapes and sizes. Talent is more than just how good you are today; it also encompasses how well you fit into the plans for tomorrow. Your plans, the organisation’s plans, and their plans….
What could possibly go wrong?
Ricky and Paul tackle the conversations that leaders need to have to help the people around them understand where they are right now, what is expected of them and where they need to develop. Talent conversations may not be easy, but with a bit of structure and thought, they can be positive and constructive interactions that help people grow.
In this special edition, one-hundredth episode of the podcast we explore the four key topics, Productivity, Change, Culture and Leadership to see if we can get each of them down to one piece of wisdom, well one piece each from Ricky, Rob, Rich and Paul.
Without creating any spoilers, you may have guessed that we did not get it down to one, or one per topic! However, we did come up with some real nuggets for each of the areas, so listen in for a quick grounding in how to get things done in your organisation, department or team.
Ever wondered how to change culture? It’s all about the choices we make in those moments of truth!
In this video, we unpack how one client used a social learning experience blended with gamification, group coaching and psychological safety to create a safe learning space. We brought together a multi-level audience to discuss how they would handle different situations. It was only when team members felt secure that they said what they really felt, exposing knowledge gaps, lack of confidence and doubts about what to do when under pressure.
Our favourite quote came from a junior team member who, in a multi-level audience of 40 people, asked “I know we all have said we’d do the right thing, but can someone tell me what that looks like?” The virtual room fell silent. This one example led to one of the most productive discussions we had.
By learning from your successes and failures, you can create a culture that is conducive to success. Learn how social learning can help you transform your organisation’s culture.
We work with organisations worldwide; in this video, we share how Lowell Financial Group used ‘What Would You Do?’, to embed the FCA Conduct Rules, helping 100% of participants feel confident to apply the rules in their job. What Would You Do? is the perfect learning solution for learning professionals looking to spice up their short-burst learning interventions.
We created What Would You Do? in response to a client looking for something different, engaging, high impact and can be run internally at a moment’s notice. We build a social learning experience that brings cross-functional groups together online or face-to-face to discuss everyday dilemmas faced in the workplace. When team members are uncertain or lack confidence, the last thing you need is them guessing or unintentionally placing your business and/or people at risk.
Leadership is a lonely place; when you lead for long enough, you are likely to make mistakes; this video shares five common mistakes that leaders make, often without realising their impact.
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