Why You Need to Involve Others

You Can’t Do it Alone

Do you know why failing to involve others is a huge problem?

Well, as they say, the answer is on the inside; in this video, we share how a major client project suffered a huge delay and was almost catastrophic due to failing to involve others, neither the right people nor at the right time.

We share four essential questions and offer more than 50 reasons for how you could involve stakeholders in your project/goals.

Access your 50+ reasons to involve others here:

Copy of 50+ Reasons to Involve Others (Presentation (16:9)) by Ricky Muddimer

How to ask yourself better questions to become highly creative!

Creativity starts with knowing how to ask yourself better questions to become highly creative.

Get this right, and you will be unstoppable and be able to solve almost any issue or problem; not just that, you will be able to accomplish so much more and more quickly too!

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What are you waiting for?

Are you focused on the right activities for your goals.

Use critical thinking tools to ensure you’re focusing on what matters.

Critical thinking follows creative thinking or task analysis; it helps you to prioritise where to spend your time.  They work by eliminating bias, which means you will make more objective decisions rather than relying on your gut or what you like to do.

Whether you are awash with ideas or overloaded with tasks, the ability to critically evaluate where best to spend your time and what will add the most value and make you most productive is an essential skill.

With the Ease versus Impact Critical Thinking Tool, you can ensure you are focused on the highest value activities all the time.

Critical thinking is essential to the Thinking Focus Toolkit for Team Leaders and Managers. This is a free downloadable resource that wiill help you, but don’t keep it to yourself; feel free to use it and share it; you can access it here:

Thinking Focus Toolkit

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